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The Vulture Industry is an independent publication launched in February 2025. By subscribing, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.
The Vulture Industry offers and argues that the combined effects of late-stage capitalism and neoliberalism have been instrumental in a parasitic hollowing out of governments and communities across the Global North. The features of 21st century state-level, post-democratic authoritarianism – best exemplified by the wide support and success of elected and appointed oligarchs, tolerance of techno-fascists, and the rise of Christian Nationalists, and white supremacists into office, primarily in Europe and the Americas – are to be highlighted and explored as central themes.
We abandon traditional newsletter practice for what might be considered a non-journal. That is, a journal slipping from expectations of form. Through written entries, essays, and interviews, this space is devoted to locale-as-ephemera, art and cultural criticism, and working through fascism by thinking with current and past theorists, poets, and artists. It is in this view of a communal space that these conversations are situated.